TrustWire Documentation

User Journey

  1. User registers or logs in to the TrustWire platform
  2. User connects their Web3 wallet
  3. User creates a new Training Set
  4. User uploads documents to the Training Set
  5. User generates Zero-Knowledge Proofs for the documents
  6. User mints the Training Set to the blockchain
  7. User mints individual documents to the blockchain
  8. User can view and share public links to Training Sets and Documents


Training Sets


Blockchain Interactions

Account Management

API Endpoints


            POST /api/auth/register
            POST /api/auth/login
            GET /api/auth/profile
            POST /api/auth/change-password

Training Sets

            GET /api/training-sets
            POST /api/training-sets
            GET /api/training-sets/:uuid
            GET /api/training-sets/public/:uuid
            POST /api/training-sets/:uuid/deploy


            POST /api/training-sets/:uuid/add-file
            GET /api/documents/:uuid
            GET /api/documents/public/:uuid
            POST /api/documents/:trainingSetUUID/documents/:documentUUID/mint


            GET /api/proofs/generate/:fileUUID
            GET /api/proofs/verify/:fileUUID
            GET /api/proofs/:proofId
            GET /api/proofs/by-file/:fileId
            GET /api/proofs/by-zkhash/:zkHash

On-Chain Verifier Contract

The TrustWire verifier contract is deployed on Arbitrum at the following address:


Retrieving Full Proof from On-Chain Token

To retrieve the full proof for a document that has been minted as an on-chain token:

  1. Use the Document View API endpoint:
    GET /api/documents/:uuid
  2. From the response, note the blockchain_token_id and training_set_address.
  3. Call the getProof function on the TrustWire Training Set contract at training_set_address, passing the blockchain_token_id as an argument.
  4. The returned data will contain the full proof information.

Formatting Transaction for On-Chain Prover

To verify a proof using the on-chain verifier contract:

  1. Retrieve the full proof data as described above.
  2. Format the proof data into the required structure for the verifyProof function:
    function verifyProof(
                    uint[2] calldata _pA,
                    uint[2][2] calldata _pB,
                    uint[2] calldata _pC,
                    uint[5] calldata _pubSignals
                ) public view returns (bool)
  3. Prepare the transaction data:
    • To: 0x539a2cd5fbf43ae693eC33d7eC85F4712Acf18Da (Verifier contract address)
    • Data: Encoded function call to verifyProof with the formatted proof data
  4. Send the transaction to the Arbitrum network.
  5. The function will return true if the proof is valid, and false otherwise.

Example of formatting the proof data in JavaScript:

const proofData = {
              pA: [proof.pi_a[0], proof.pi_a[1]],
              pB: [[proof.pi_b[0][1], proof.pi_b[0][0]], [proof.pi_b[1][1], proof.pi_b[1][0]]],
              pC: [proof.pi_c[0], proof.pi_c[1]],
              pubSignals: proof.public_signals
            const verifierContract = new ethers.Contract(verifierAddress, verifierABI, signer);
            const isValid = await verifierContract.verifyProof(

Security Considerations

Best Practices

For more detailed information, please refer to the API documentation or contact support.